1. Investment activity Investors-citizens of third countries, who are interested in investing positively for the Greek economy, can obtain a national entry visa and a residence permit for investment activity. The duration of the residence permit is five years with the possibility of renewal. The amount of the investment should be at least 250,000 If...Read More
The citizen of a third country, during his stay in Greece, is obliged to declare to the competent services of the Decentralized Administrations of the country or to the Directorate of Immigration Policy of the Ministry of Interior: a. Every change in the address of his residence. b. Any change in his personal status, in particular the...Read More
1. Third-country civilians, legal residents in the country have freedom of movement and establishment throughout the territory. A presidential decree, issued following a proposal by the Ministers of Interior, Foreign Affairs, National Defense and Public Order and Civil Protection, may prohibit, for reasons of public interest, their residence or settlement in certain geographical areas of...Read More
According to the Hellenic Income Tax Code (Law 4172/2013) the taxpayer who has completed the 18th year of age is obliged to declare all his income, taxable in any way or exempt, to the Tax Administration electronically. Taxpayers who do not have their tax residence in Greece are subject to tax and submit a tax...Read More
Ministry of Economy of Greece No. 1036 / 26-02-2020 regarding the application of Article 5A of Law 4172/2013 on the alternative taxation of income received abroad by a foreign individual applying for the transfer of his tax residence to Greece.The individuals should be Foreign or Greek citizens, permanent tax residents abroad the last seven (7)...Read More
Which points should be underlined when considering Double Taxation Conventions concluded between different countries? • The terms and conditions for obtaining the tax resident status of a state and the conditions for maintaining the taxpayer’s tax residence. According to the Greek law, and in particular according to the Income Tax Code, a natural person is...Read More
ACT OF LEGISLATIVE CONTENT Urgent measures to address the negative consequences of the occurrence of COVID-19 coronavirus and the need to limit its spread. Suspension of payment of VAT under conditions. Businesses affected by the occurrence and dissemination of the COVID-19 coronavirus may extend the payment deadline and suspend the collection of debts certified by...Read More
The individuals should be Foreign or Greek citizens, permanent tax residents abroad the last seven (7) of eight (8) previous years.Those wishing to become tax residents in Greece on their special application and without the need to stay 180 days a year to maintain the status of a tax resident in Greece, at the same...Read More
The natural person (Foreign Tax Resident), who is about to be subject to the regulations of the new Taxation Law Nr. 4646/2019 and transfer his/her tax residency in Greece in order to be subject to the alternative taxation method on the foreign source income for the fiscal years 2020 and afterwards (up to 15 years),...Read More